Local Belle Pickup

If you are in the Dallas-Fort Worth area you are allowed to pick up your clothing item(s) at our designated location. For everyone safety, the pickup location is only at this local mall: Stonebriar Centre in Frisco, Tx. All orders are processed and ready for pick up the next day. (Excluding Sundays) You can retrieve your items outside, in front of the mall popular eateries. Complete details, dates, and times will be available in a follow up email after completing your order. Please be mindful when you select your pickup date and time. There is only a 10 minute grace period passed the time you selected. On going communication will not ensure the deliver to continue to wait. If you miss your selected pick up time, you must pay for shipping to receive your package. Due to COVID 19, please wear a mask during your pickup. Selecting this option is agreement to the terms discussed above.